Tenuta Rasocolmo intends to dedicate one of its areas as a temporary residency for Italian and international sculptors.

Historical Background of the Tenuta and Objectives of the Residency:
In a 10-hectare estate that had long been abandoned, Francesco Reitano restarted the agricultural activities of the past in 2004, restoring the splendor of Capo Rasocolmo’s promontory, located on the Tyrrhenian coast of the Messina area, dominated by the namesake lighthouse. The new vineyard of Capo Rasocolmo, exclusively cultivated with DOC Faro grapes, covers an area of three hectares. Located in a commanding position with respect to the surrounding landscape, the estate comprises a main residential building and other service structures located in the southern part of the property. The entire estate is surrounded by the vineyard and faces north towards the Tyrrhenian Sea, with views extending to the Aeolian Islands. Today, it serves as the heart of a cultural system designed to benefit the local community, offering a wide range of activities across various cultural fields.

Goals of the Residency:
By promoting this residency program, Tenuta Rasocolmo aims to:
Offer artists a space for work, research, reflection, and artistic practice;
Facilitate exchanges and communication to foster intercultural dialogue;
Enable artists in residence to connect with the local community, with the goal of encouraging cultural exchange;
Strengthen the relationship between artists in residence and the natural environment of the estate, fostering an osmotic and meditative practice that can inspire new projects, feelings, and actions.

Theme for 2025:
The artistic project will focus on the connection between the territory and myth, and its re-interpretation. From Orion to the nymph Pelorias, from Neptune to Scilla and Cariddi, from Colapesce to Mata and Grifone, to Morgana and the Sirens. The Strait of Messina, due to its unique characteristics, microclimatic and natural conditions, has been the site of myth from the first Mediterranean epic, The Odyssey, and has continued to inspire storytellers, poets, and sailors throughout history.
Target Participants:
The call is open to Italian and international artists over the age of 18 who work in the field of SCULPTURE and SITE-SPECIFIC INSTALLATION (without distinction of techniques and materials, though they must be suitable for outdoor placement in an open countryside area near the sea, exposed to wind and sun). The artists must be willing to reside at Tenuta Rasocolmo for the entire period assigned (maximum one week). Applications can be submitted by individual artists or, at most, a duo.

Artistic Documentation:
To participate in the selection, each candidate must submit:

  • Completed and signed application form (Attachment A);
  • Copy of a valid identity document (or equivalent);
  • Artistic CV (maximum 1 page / 1800 characters), with optional links to personal presentations or the artist’s website;
  • Summary of the artistic project intended to be realized during the residency, including materials to be used for the work (this point is mandatory, and failure to comply will result in exclusion from the selection).
  • The submitted documentation will be kept by the company and will not be returned. The application should indicate the preferred residency period from those listed in the next section. This indication is not binding for the organizers and may be subject to further negotiation with the artists.

Residency Periods:
The residency periods for this call are:

  • February 2025;
  • November 2025.

How to Apply:
Applications must be sent to TENUTA RASOCOLMO - CANTINA GIOSTRA REITANO by 12:00 pm on December 31, 2024, under penalty of exclusion from the selection. The email subject line must include the reference "CALL FOR ARTIST RESIDENCIES AT TENUTA RASOCOLMO 2025," and the body should include the candidate's name, phone number, and email address. Incomplete applications, those submitted after the deadline, or applications not complying with the guidelines will not be considered. Applications must be sent simultaneously to and It is also possible to submit the application via certified email (PEC) by the aforementioned deadline (the time of sending is decisive). In this case, the original application must be attached in PDF format and may be signed digitally. All requested documentation, as well as any additional documents the candidate wishes to submit, must be attached in standard file formats (Microsoft Office® or Open Office). Late submissions will result in exclusion from the process.

Selection of Residents:
The selection of candidates will be carried out by a committee consisting of two specialists (Mariateresa Zagone, Head of the Visual Arts Section at Tenuta Rasocolmo, Mario Bronzino Art Curator and Roberta Guarnera, gallerist and director of Foro G Gallery) and the organizers. The committee will select the winning artists at its sole discretion, based on the following criteria:

  • Artistic CV;
  • Quality of the project proposal;
  • Relevance of the project proposal to the residency context;
  • Potential of the project to engage with the cultural, landscape, and historical context of Tenuta Rasocolmo.

Selected Artists Will Be Provided With:

  • Accommodation, including room and board, at the Tenuta;
  • Logistical support.

The Tenuta will award resident artists a sum of €1,000 (one thousand euros) in total as an honorarium and/or to cover travel and material costs (with proper documentation). During the residency, each artist will:
Have the opportunity, if desired, to set up an exhibition at the Tenuta (transportation of works at the artist's expense);
Participate in any meetings or activities scheduled by the Tenuta related to the residency;
Provide their own tools and materials necessary for artistic practices during the residency, as the facility does not have professional equipment. Travel expenses are the responsibility of the artist.
At the end of the residency, each artist will donate the work created during or after the residency (within a maximum of 15 days) to contribute to the creation of a contemporary art collection that the Tenuta aims to establish on-site (Sculpture Park). The selected artists must read, sign, and strictly follow the regulations for the use of facilities and furnishings, which will be provided at the beginning of the residency. Artists also commit to respecting the environment and adhering to principles of civil coexistence. The names of the residency recipients will be published on Tenuta Rasocolmo’s website. The selected artists will be promptly contacted at the details provided in the application form to activate all necessary residency procedures.

A schedule with start and end dates of the residencies (7 days) will be sent to the selected resident artists, along with the facility regulations. Tenuta Rasocolmo reserves the right to organize exhibition events presenting the works produced during or following the residency.

A maximum of 1 artist will be selected for each of the indicated periods.
Disclaimer and Privacy:
The Tenuta disclaims any responsibility:

  • For the use of copyrighted material or other rights;
  • For files sent that are not received;
  • For damage to the property, environment, or third parties, which will be charged directly to the artist.

The data provided will be processed in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 196 of June 30, 2003, "Personal Data Protection Code."


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